Tri Oxygen Line Cleaning

Beer lines now require cleaning weekly or biweekly, which wastes beer and uses a lot of chemical, water and staff time.

The Tri Oxygen Line Cleaning System extends the time between line cleans, saving upto 43 cleans per annum.

The Tri Oxygen Ozone O3 generation technology, is a new method of beer line cleaning which sanatises the beer lines to a known standard, instead of using tap water. The reduces bacterial build up and allows the period in between line clean to be extended.

  • Can be used for keg and cask line cleaning.

  • Produces Aqueous Ozone which can be used for line flushing at cask changeover.

  • Produces Aqueous Ozone which can be used for cleaning/sanatising couplers and nozzels.

  • Robust construction for use in cellars.

  • Safe production of Ozone at 2-3 parts per million.

  • Reduces beer wastage, chemical and water usage. Providing a return on investment within 12 months.

  • Uses metering to detect when the beer lines are clean.

  • Can be used alongside your usual line cleaning chemical or as a stand alone sanitiser.